Manage properties and portfolios - Operate


Make better business decisions faster

Unifying your real-time financial and property management data gives you more portfolio visibility, while automating time-consuming manual tasks lets you focus on value-generating activities. And with the power of AI, you can turn unstructured data into valuable business insights and respond to market changes quickly. 

Manage properties and portfolios - Maintain


Ensure your properties run smoothly and create value 

Automating processes and centralising FM data lets you make better decisions and complete maintenance on time, within budget, and in compliance. Tracking energy usage helps you control your utility costs. Touchless sign-in, desk booking, wellness checks, and more protect the people and places that power your organisation. 

Manage properties and portfolios - Account


Manage properties and tenants more effectively across your portfolio 

Accounting solutions designed for real estate management integrate key data with your general ledger in ways general accounting solutions can’t, simplifying your day-to-day property operations. You can also automate debt calculations and fixed asset management, maximising your portfolio’s productivity while ensuring compliance. 

Conquer leasing chaos and build the future you imagine


Simplify occupancy processes, curate the right tenant mix, and engage tenants with better experiences and self-service tools, reducing the burden on your front-office team.



Manage the full investment lifecycle – from asset management to investor relations – with accurate data and robust reporting to make informed decisions that drive portfolio growth.



3 steps to effective commercial property management

1. Book a custom demo

Share what you want to accomplish and see exactly how we can help achieve your goals.

2. See your perfect solution

Guided by our experts, select the tools you want to support your strategy.

3. Make your real estate vision a reality

Cut through the complexity and gain insights to unlock your portfolio's untapped potential.

Let's Connect


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