On-Demand Webinar

How occupiers are reimagining their use of real estate

It’s been a shifting landscape for property occupiers in recent years. A range of operational changes and market pressures have come together to trigger organizations of all types and sizes into rethinking their approach to real estate.

From the introduction of new global lease accounting standards, to a growing demand for an even better customer and employee experience, real estate departments have faced the challenge of creating an attractive environment for stakeholders, ensuring locations provide benefits to the business – all the while having to keep tight control of costs. It’s a fine and complex balance to maintain, and that’s before factoring in the significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this on-demand webinar, co-hosted by MRI and independent research and consulting experts Verdantix, we explore these themes – analysing how real estate and finance teams managing leased portfolios are adapting their strategies to unlock greater value and deliver on key business performance metrics.

The session will draw on findings from our recent report – ‘Analyzing and unlocking the value of software solutions for real estate occupiers’. We cover some of the key findings from the research, examining what they really mean for real estate leaders and decision-makers.

The main discussion points include:

  • The top organizational priorities for real estate occupiers
  • How new lease accounting rules are shaping real estate strategies
  • Common challenges of transitioning to the new reporting standards
  • The global shift to software as a solution for lease accounting
  • How to maximize value from digital investments

There’s also a look ahead further into future – thinking about the longer-term evolution of real estate strategies and how, given that leases now impact on balance sheets, they will become even more closely aligned with overall business planning, analysis and objectives.

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