
Increase visibility

Investors can view complete portfolio performance.

Improve communications

Enhance your firm’s credibility by communicating portfolio performance to investors.

Consolidated reporting

Automate investor accounting functions to operate more efficiently.

Drive investor confidence with automated reporting

Let’s face it — your investors want as much insight into their investment positions as possible. And technology evolves, your investors expect self-service access and personalised, accurate reporting. That’s why our investment suite spans the spectrum of investor relations software – to satisfy the unique needs of each investor. With a centralised data repository and data aggregation services, your investors will have access to up-to-date reports online, and your staff can reduce time spent responding to inquiries. From automated production and publication of investor reports to a tailored investor portal, take your investor relations to the next level of satisfaction with MRI investment solutions.

[ebook] The critical role of technology in real estate investment

Software is no longer a ‘nice to have’ for organisations managing real estate investments. Only dedicated digital solutions can be truly relied upon for the critical decision-making and strategic planning involved. Explore our ebook to learn how tech can provide a foundational platform for success.

Featured Products

Private Equity

Manage investments with efficient accounting operations and get visibility into portfolio performance.

Public REITs

Reduce risk, improve return for stakeholders and investors, and make informed strategic plans for your business.

Pension Funds

Asses risk, maximise returns for your members and investors, and create a comprehensive strategic plan.

Fund Manager

Achieve optimal results for your investments with performance management and fund modelling.

Key Facts

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