Client Spotlight

Antisocial Behaviour case study: Worcester City Council and Streetwise

Worcester City council

“Streetwise has helped us to work much more efficiently and effectively – enabling mobile working and securing GDPR-compliant information through an easy-to-use interface.”

Worcester City Council oversees the provision of community services aimed at improving the quality of life for the city’s 95,000 residents.  Working with the local community, they aim to improve the quality of life for all those living in the city of Worcester, a goal which led to them implementing the Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) module of our Streetwise software earlier this year.

The function of MRI’s Streetwise solution is simple; to protect people and the communities in which they live. Worcester’s case management system deals with reports of antisocial behaviour, supporting frontline teams to identify those at high risk and to record incidents, actions and interventions – as well as the measures taken to tackle ASB and to support victims.

Warwick Neale, Team Manager, Community Engagement confirmed that his team’s case logging and case management has improved markedly since the implementation of the GDPR-compliant Streetwise solution.

Warwick explains: “With one centralised system, Streetwise supports our officers to manage their caseloads effectively, as well as helping us to respond to routine Freedom of Information (FOI) and Proof of Life requests.”

The system works by linking calls and incidents, automatically prioritising the victim and risk level. As a team of three FTE officers and with 99 cases being actively managed through the system, Streetwise is regarded as an essential tool for ensuring a consistent way of working.

Warwick added: “The best feature for our team is the notes function, as it keeps everything in chronological order, enabling officers to view the case through a timeline. It also provides quick reference for when a lead member of staff is off or there is a need to review for a query.”

Streetwise supports officers in identifying serial complainers and troublemakers, as well as escalating behaviour to better manage communities. The system can also display data by directly linking to Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping to visually display patterns and trends within a neighbourhood.

During the implementation phase of Streetwise, the Worcester team took full advantage of free, interactive online training and support.

“The information pack is thorough and enabled our officers to self-help for the majority of queries. Streetwise is very user-friendly and easy to get to grips with,” said Warwick.

Warwick acknowledged the help and support offered by Streetwise suppliers, MRI Software in the successful roll-out of Streetwise in Worcester – from conference calls through to email requests for assistance.

Warwick concluded: “Streetwise has enabled us to work much more efficiently and effectively, enabling mobile working and securing GDPR-compliant information through an easy-to-use interface.”

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