Commitment-free trial on SMS messaging software

This blog post relates to Castleton, one of our previous brands. For more information please read the press release.

Reduce your communications costs from £5 per call & £12 per letter to 8 pence per text*.

Why every Social Housing Provider should use 2-way SMS text messaging…

With smartphone use increasing every day, Social Housing providers are looking for ways to make their businesses mobile-friendly. Castleton’s Communications Manager two-way SMS text messaging solution will quickly and easily help your organisation on its digital transformation journey; improving tenant engagement and reducing your communications costs.

For a limited-time, Castleton Communications Manager, 2-way SMS text messaging solution is available to Housing Associations on a six-month, risk-free, try before you buy trial – fully managed & hosted by us with 10,000 text messages to get you started

The Benefits of 2-way SMS:

  • Improves customer engagement with two–way instant SMS texting for personal alerts, appointments & notifications
  • Enhances resident satisfaction with quick, immediate access to important information e.g. service updates & rent communication
  • Increases resident engagement with news and service sharing –  giving information to customers who don’t want to use apps or websites
  • Builds better resident relationships, with instant messaging, surveys & feedback delivered straight to the customers’ fingertips.
  • Cost-effective & Eco-Friendly – compared to email, direct mail and visits; a text message has the lowest cost & impact on our carbon footprint.
  • Improve tenant responsiveness to communications & reduce rent arrears

Did you know? 

  • Mobile phones are used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • 95% of UK households own a mobile phone (Statista)
  • 45% of recipients respond to text vs. 6% email (Gartner)
  • Higher open rates for texts – 98% of SMS texts are opened compared to 20% of emails (Gartner)
  • 95% of all texts are read within 3 minutes (Forbes)
  • With open rates of 98%, it’s the most effective communication method in terms of read rate

Text messaging is the best way to get your residents to take immediate action! 

“Our income team had repeatedly tried to reach a tenant using letters, calls and even visits, and had no response; we then sent a rent arrears text message and received an immediate reply, agreeing to make a payment.”

Communications Manager will quickly & easily improve your resident engagement, save you money & kick-start your digital strategy*. 



*Shaw Consulting & Altair Ltd research

**Terms & conditions apply


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