Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership provides operational services covering security, street cleanliness and maintenance alongside a hospitality programme.
Our approach
Established in 2000, Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership is non-profit and encompasses eight downtown districts. They provide operational services covering security, street cleanliness and maintenance alongside a hospitality programme providing help and advice to visitors, an advocacy programme to give the businesses a voice; and marketing – including managing boards of directors and business meetings.
CEO president Jane Jenkins worked with MRI Software in a previous organisation and recommended us to Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership due to our extensive reporting tool, flexibility and accuracy of our counting technology. Working closely with Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership, we reviewed the best places for counters, and installed them in 2018.
MRI Software has been a really important piece of how we’ve seen a lot of growth, more businesses and restaurants, more residents, more offices – which goes back to MAPS attracting people to live here.
Mallory O’Neill,
Downtown Oklahoma Director of District Management
There has been a lot of growth in the area both in downtown development and quality of life, thanks to a Metropolitan Area Project Sales tax (MAPS) that was introduced and subsequently passed three further years in Oklahoma City. It’s presented to investors alongside projects that have been completed using the tax revenue, such as a new street car system to improve the flow of traffic, and a new downtown 70-acre park for visitors to enjoy.
It’s been a great way for [the retailers] to know what’s happening at their front door and in their districts. They can take that information and adjust their store hours, or determine when they want to use special offers – so it’s been a really great resource for our business owners, and that was the original intent. In the future we may add more counters, to other areas.
Mallory O’Neill,
Downtown Oklahoma Director of District Management
Data that was previously unknown is readily available for footfall traffic and vitality in Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership. They can see hard numbers on visitors, who’s coming to the area and what kind of foot traffic there is. Which days of the weeks are most popular and monitor the effects of weather changes.
It’s been a great tool for retailers to have some detail and hard information and business owners have been positive about the data and used it to gauge interest for a number of events and promotions, including pop-up stalls at special events and revisions to store opening hours to maximise their sales potential.
It’s been a really great tool to give retailers the information they need.
Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership organise and run twenty-five special events every year, and the addition of MRI cameras has provided visibility on event popularity for these non-ticketed events, which were otherwise unknown. Insight into these events has helped to refine the event offering to the most popular events and locations within the district.
In the future Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership are looking to add more counters to the service as part of the wider development projects and use hard data provided by MRI to show investors the benefits of including additional footfall counters.