Cassandra Lantry: Self-belief is critical

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Managing a business in a highly competitive industry calls for a strong business leader that has the nerve, mettle, and resolution to break new grounds. These are exactly the values that led Cassandra Lantry, Director and Operations Manager at Leah Jay to where she is today. Drawing from the exemplary leadership of Leah Jay, Cassandra shares in this episode of MRI Property Rockstars why believing in oneself and having the guts to explore new ways of doing business is critical in property management.

“Stepping out and doing something different that many told her wouldn’t work is what Leah Jay did 25 years ago,” says Cassandra. This precedent is what drives the team at Leah Jay in growing the business and moving it forward through all the real estate industry’s transformation over the years. In the interview, Cassandra further explained the important role that these core values have played in developing their property management team. “We’ve seen a shift in property management from a task-based role to a holistic advisor, and that’s what we’ve been focusing on in the recent years in building our team,” says Cassandra. The team’s dedication to improvement and innovation also figures largely in choosing the technology and systems that they use. “For us, it’s having that platform that allows us to connect to different pieces of technology to provide a seamless user experience for our team and drive efficiencies so we can spend more time building relationships and adding value for our customers.”

*MRI Property Rockstars is a video series in partnership with Real Estate Uncut. As part of the series, property commentator Kevin Turner talks to some rockstars of the property management industry about their business, tips, and personal stories.

Missed an episode? Watch more Rockend Rockstars episodes here.

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