SMS Communications Manager

Digitally connect with your customers, in a simple, effective way

Social Housing providers are looking for ways to interact with customers in the most simple, cost efficient ways that meet the demand for instant communication and 24/7 services. SMS Messaging can improve your customer service and reduce your costs.

Our two-way SMS text messaging solution is a great starting point for your digital transformation journey and can be extended to tenant portals, smartphone apps, email, and social media.

SMS text messaging can be sent from your Housing Management system for everything from balance statements, rent reminders, service updates and appointment bookings. You can send ad-hoc, scheduled or automated two-way SMS messaging with multiple language options. All modules are fully integrated and can be adopted as and when required. A powerful, single database containing data feeds from your back-office systems ensures all your customer information is consistent, whichever digital channel the customer uses.


Mobile payments

Allows payments to be collected from customers by SMS, Smartphone or Tenant Portal.

SMS Repairs & Maintenance

Send SMS automatically from your HMS and in the customer's preferred language. Offers simple appointment reminders, maintenance notifications, contractor performance and more.

Web surveys

Use our digital survey platform to elevate your customer service – fully integrated with your housing management system.


  • Improve efficiency:

    98% of SMS texts are opened vs. 20% of emails (Gartner)

  • Improve communication:

    95% of all texts are read within 3 minutes (Forbes)

  • Increase response rate:

    45% of recipients respond to text vs. 6% email (Gartner)

Let's Connect

Social Housing

Find out more about MRI’s range of technology solutions designed specifically for social housing providers.

Existing clients please contact support here.

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If you would like to find out more about MRI SMS Communications Manager, please fill in the form above.