5 tips for avoiding burnout in Property Management

This blog post relates to Rockend, one of our previous brands. For more information please read the press release.

It goes without saying that property managers have one of the most hectic schedules in the real estate industry. And while there are a lot of experts out there that can tell you how to manage stress and avoid burning out, why not hear it from the property managers who practice what they preach day in, day out?

Recently, we ran a competition in our Property Rockstars group asking our members for their top tips to de-stress and avoid burnout. Here are 5 of the best tips taken from 50+ entries.

1. Don’t set yourself up for failure

Kristopher says:

“Rum and lots of it! Nah seriously my tip is don’t set yourself up to fail, don’t over promise, under promise and over deliver! Control your deadlines and set the tone! As soon as you let someone else control your day you’ve been guided off course! Make a plan stick to it and don’t fill it up too much that you wont achieve what you set out to complete!”

2. Exercise can do wonders

Kate says:

“Regular exercise helps to reduce stress by taking your focus away from your work, family, friends and everything. In removing your focus temporarily, your brain can then problem solve in the background and you will find solutions to issues, as well as generally better mental health and well-being. Bonus, you’ll be physically fitter too!”

3. Make a priority list

Ben says:

“I remind myself I’m not super hero, I can’t always please everyone and I can’t deal with everything at once, but I’m honest and just say I’m dealing with a lot right now you’re issue is important to me can I get back when I have more time. I have found to get much more respect when I get back to people in a few days time when I’m nut under pressure and stress, I always first apologies for taking a few days to get back to resolve the problem, the response is often the same, “No its ok don’t apologies I’m just grateful you got back to me” then it’s like no time had passed at all. Not getting back to people however is a different story. So writing it down and keeping a list is key. Slot each issue onto a priority board.”

4. Don’t make it personal

Gayl says:

“Don’t take things personally! Distance yourself from the issues and don’t get personally involved. Determine the level of importance on a scale of 1 – 10. If 10 is death – where does it sit. Suddenly the issue becomes much smaller to deal with :-). Also think about where the problem will be in 6 months – often it would be done and dusted. Puts things into perspective for me. If all else fails a nice glass of red helps haha :-)”

5. Switch off and get in the zone

Shelley says:

“My tip would be – remember that a big workload is an opportunity to make so many clients happy! When things get too much, allow yourself to switch off your phone and/or turn off email notifications for an allotted time to really focus on your task at hand. Headphones are a must for me as I absolutely love Focus@Will, which is a site that plays ‘focus’ music that is scientifically designed to boost productivity! I find I really ‘zone in’ and just get things done when I play the music. 🙂 Property management isn’t easy but it’s so rewarding when we can keep it together, so I just love this post about sharing helpful ideas!”

Got your own tips and tricks to share on anything property management? We’d love to hear it! Join us in the Property Rockstars group and connect with our growing community of property professionals in a fun and safe space.


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