What’s new in Property Tree this December?

This blog post relates to Rockend, one of our previous brands. For more information please read the press release.

We’ve been reading your Property Tree wish list and this holiday season we’re making them come true. Here are the enhancements and new features you can now use in your favourite property management software.

Pin notes to Receipts & Invoices

758 votes in User Voice is hard to miss and we hear you! Now you can pin notes and reminders from profiles to Receipts and Invoices, allowing your team members to keep up to date with key information on owners, properties and tenancies.


Bulk Mail Merge for Lease Expiry

You can now use a new filter called Lease Expiry when you create a new Mail Merge. Use it to filter tenancies by Portfolio, Tags and Lease Expiry Date, allowing you to notify tenants more efficiently in renewing their lease agreement. We’ve been listening to your feedback and the Lease Expiring dates will now default to the next 2 months.

Sensitive Notifications

We know how much you love the Sensitive Notifications feature and we’ve made further enhancements to make it even better. Now you will be notified whenever payment method changes are made in your account, including adding a new payment method while processing Creditor Payments.

Business Insights User Management

More of your team members can now access Business Insights without displaying sensitive information. If you’re an administrator, you can now grant access to other users and select which boards each individual user will be able to view.

New Look Chat

We’ve made improvements to how you interact with us through chat. Now you can see expected wait times, plus connect to an agent much faster than ever before. Communicating your issues is also now made easier with the ability to attach files and hyperlinks in your chat conversations, as well as see previous interactions. Additionally, using chat outside business hours will automatically create a ticket for you, so your message won’t be missed, and promptly be replied to once support becomes available.



Coming soon: New Tabbed Profile Pages

Our early adopters are currently testing new tabbed view of Ownership, Property and Tenancy Profile pages. Get a sneak peek into what you can expect to see and use soon.

More on the December release

Take our self-paced release training to get up to speed with all the latest updates in this month’s release. You can also view the Release Notes in the knowledgebase for more information.

As always your feedback is critical to helping us help you, so please continue to send through your suggestions through Rockend User Voice.

If you’re not a Property Tree user yet, book a free demo today to discover the Rockend difference.


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