On-Demand Webinar

MRI ProLease Central – how to maximise your portfolio through technology for SMBs

Often, the cost of enterprise property management and accounting software can far outweigh the benefits for small to medium-size organisations, meaning many SMEs may have to resort to manual, time-consuming solutions such as Excel spreadsheets.

By doing so, they’re wasting resource, time and cost completing day-to-day tasks that dedicated software can achieve in seconds. And this isn’t to mention the risk that comes with manual data entry and the challenges of version control.

In this on-demand webinar, we look at exactly how MRI ProLease Central can maximise property portfolios for SMEs, as well as covering the benefits of a solution that supports hundreds of SMEs globally.

Topics include:
  • The challenges faced by many SMEs when investing in property management and accounting software
  • The benefits of ProLease Central vs a standard software solution
  • An in-depth look at the real estate and accounting modules within the software

We also cover the benefits of a solution that supports hundreds of SMEs globally.

About MRI ProLease Central: Now part of the MRI Software family, ProLease Central serves more than 800 clients across 40 industries, including real estate, retail, healthcare, government and education. Clients rely on the solution to easily track their real estate leases, equipment leases and workplace data, as well as for compliance with the new IFRS 16 lease accounting standards.

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