Case Studies

Giesen Wines: Evacuation head-count



Giesen Wines is a New Zealand winery that has operations throughout the South Island.
Giesen brothers Theo, Alex and Marcel built Giesen Wines with a shared passion and family values. Every member of the Giesen Wines team works together on building up and maintaining the reputation of the Giesen name worldwide. They have around 100 employees based at their winery, vineyards, head office and in their sales team.

Evacuation management

Giesen Wines needed a capable cloud-based, people and evacuation management system to replace their paper sign-in book, and ensure everyone on their sites was safe and accounted for during any emergency evacuation.

Staff find it easy to sign in. The pre-registering of visitors for winery tours is a great tool. It meets our Health and Safety compliance requirements.

– Andree Piddington, Health and Safety Compliance Manager

Key challenges

Giesen wanted a digital solution for staff and visitor sign-in, and evacuation management.
Their existing sign-in books were often forgotten when there was a rush to evacuate a site during a drill or real situation.

Giesen specifically needed a visitor management solution that would:

  • be fast and easy to implement and manage
  • let them manage the many visitors to their sites
  • help their staff remember to sign-in on-site
  • fix the problem of people forgetting to take the paper sign-in with them during an evacuation event
  • print stickers to give their visitors to easily identify them
  • enable the Health and Safety team to make sure everyone on-site is properly inducted
  • be accessible online and not take up space on their server

MRI OnLocation helps us meet our Health and Safety compliance requirements.

– Andree Piddington, Health and Safety Compliance Manager, Giesen Wines

The MRI OnLocation Solution

Giesen chose to use MRI OnLocation as their visitor, employee, contractor, and evacuation management system after it was recommended to them by another winery.
Using MRI OnLocation they were able to replace their old visitor book with our quick and easy to use software system. Among other advantages, this meant that during an evacuation event they could do a roll call from their mobile devices without worrying about remembering to take the paper sign-in book. Their evacuation headcount is now done quickly and effectively on a mobile device.

MRI OnLocation is an easy system to set-up and run. The service and support from the help desk is very prompt and efficient. They know their stuff.

– Andree Piddington, Health and Safety Compliance Manager, Giesen Wines

Using MRI OnLocation Giesen Wines now:

  • Do a roll call from their mobile devices during an evacuation event and make sure everyone on-site is safe and accounted for using the OnEvac app
  • Use their MRI OnLocation kiosks (and tablets) to sign visitors, contractors, and staff into their sites
  • Let their Health and Safety Compliance Manager manage employees, visitors and contractors through their MRI OnLocation Dashboard
  • Know exactly who is, or was at each of their sites and why, in real-time, and make sure their legal health and safety responsibilities are being met, using the MRI OnLocation Reporting
  • Send hazard notifications to people on-site using MRI OnLocation’s Acknowledgement Notices
  • Ensure people on-site are inducted, and manage induction records using MRI OnLocation’s Induction Management
  • Get free 24-hour customer support from the MRI OnLocation Helpdesk

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