
Market Insights: Getting Back to the Office

MRI Market Insights report cover on return to office and workplace cover

Views from real estate occupiers and landlords on the return to work

return to office key takeaways

The MRI Software Market Insights team conducted a survey to better understand the perceptions of commercial tenants and landlords as offices manage the return to work.

MRI Software partnered with CoreNet Global, the leading association for corporate real estate professionals, to survey nearly 200 real estate occupiers/tenants worldwide. Additionally, MRI surveyed nearly 50 landlords whose companies represent a variety of sizes and industry verticals.

The survey results revealed some expected and unexpected findings. Tenants anticipate less staff in the office and will leverage hot desking at higher rates. Occupiers and landlords have different perceptions on the outlook for the future, as tenants expect changes in space usage post-pandemic, while landlords do not.

Download the report to see how landlords and occupiers view the return to work:

  • Different expectations around whether remote work will impact landlords
  • Increased flexibility for remote staff
  • Uncertainty around policies for remote and office work
  • Expanded use of technology to manage workplace requirements

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