From Trends to Transformations in the Workplace – Uncovering Priorities and Disconnects
In partnership with CoreNet Global, MRI Software conducted a survey of real estate professionals around the world to examine emerging trends in office transformations. These insights provide a global perspective, with input from the North America, La…
2024 Occupier Trendspotter – Office Features
Watch our insightful on-demand webinar where we present the results of our recent Office Transformations Survey, highlighting the gap between trending office transformation ideas and what is being actively implemented in today’s corporate environment…
2024 Global Survey Results – Office trends
Watch our insightful on-demand webinar where we present the results of our recent Office Transformations Survey, highlighting the gap between trending office transformation ideas and what is being actively implemented in today’s corporate environment…
People-Centered Practices Bringing Employees Back to the Office: A culture playbook for the future workplace
If you take a look behind the headlines about company leaders cutting back on workspace and employees resisting a return to the office, a different picture begins to emerge. One in which companies of varying sizes across many sectors are slowly but s…
Market Insights: Evolution of the Workplace
Analyzing trends for property occupiers from March 2021–October 2023 In today’s workplace, organizations and their employees continue to adapt to new challenges and freedoms. Many questions remain concerning the best ways for property occupiers to ac…
Uncomplicate compliance with MRI @Work for Occupiers
Clarity for today. Agility for tomorrow. Organizations that lease space have more data at their disposal than ever. But leveraging it to make business-critical decisions has become increasingly complex. For diligent financial professionals who need t…