Backed by more than 150 years of Danish heritage, Carlsberg is a household name in the United Kingdom and Europe. Carlsberg UK is a subsidiary of the Carlsberg Group and is the UK’s fourth largest brewer. Carlsberg UK currently employs around 1,800 staff across 16 sites in the UK.
The requirement
Carlsberg UK required a web based Monitoring & Targeting (M&T) System for multiple plants and distribution depots throughout the UK.
The brewery was looking for a system that could import and calculate weekly KPI data against targets for multiple utilities including but not limited to: gas, water & electricity, as well as analyze production data and calculate plant efficiency.
Carlsberg UK also required the ability to manage data imports from a wide range of meters to incorporate complex production procedures in place across the brewing process. This had to be intuitive for access by non-technical users of the system.
In addition, Carlsberg UK needed an energy solution to distribute a range of use alarms and average usage alarms automatically via email. Carlsberg UK also needed a solution to display hourly dashboards at department operator level to monitor usage when the plant is running, stopped, shutdown and during maintenance periods.
The solution
Carlsberg UK chose MRI Energy to manage energy usage throughout the brewing process to enable them to monitor the efficiency of their brewing processes and optimize for best performance, thus saving on bottom line costs. Activities such as generation of compressed air and excessive water usage required in the brewing industry are easily monitored and optimized using MRI Energy.
Carlsberg UK uses MRI Energy to monitor the plant for shutdown opportunities. MRI Energy’s alarm module generates range and average alarms to be sent via email to alert high usage in specific meters. The alarms are linked to production allowing for early reaction and quick intervention times to process and reduce losses. This can have a major impact on utilities costs, environmental compliance and production output.
The MRI Energy system is managed by the Carlsberg UK onsite systems team. The use of MRI Energy is coordinated and facilitated to user departments by the Energy Center Manager & the Water and Effluent Continuous Improvement Manager.
MRI Energy has enabled us to visualize and measure our utility usage against production in a way which was not previously possible; the benefits of integrating MRI Energy into our process have been invaluable.
Carlsberg UK holds a weekly meeting with user departments to review MRI Energy dashboards. The weekly KPI data is calculated in MRI Energy and compared to targets. This allows for changes to be made to enhance productivity and therefore achieve energy savings.