Meet the Demands of Change: A Guide to Better Facilities and Energy Management
The rapid growth of the facilities management industry has been pushed by the need to continuously maintain and improve your properties’ operability. Property and facilities managers have been refocusing their efforts to leveraging robust platforms t…
Build visionary real estate operations with MRI Angus
Are you torn between being a visionary real estate operator and a realist? Delivering spectacular operations without losing control of costs is tough with challenges like these: Lack of data and analysis to drive decisions Time consuming, inaccurate…
Meeting the demands of change with MRI Angus
Optimizing building operations and efficiently managing properties has never really been about data. After all, we have an ever-increasing amount of data available to us every day. The key to success lies in knowing that you have the right data and i…
Cut Through Data Chaos with MRI Agora Insights
Today’s commercial property owners and operators are using more technology systems than ever before, yet challenges still exist around data visibility, integrations, and automation. It’s no secret that the real estate industry generates vast quantiti…
Accelerating Success with MRI Angus: What’s New and Upcoming for 2024
2023 has been an exciting year for MRI Angus and we did a year-in-review! As a valued MRI Angus user, we want to ensure that you’re ready to go into the new year equipped with the knowledge to utilize your solution and take advantage of all the newly…
Using Single-Sign On to enhance platform security and streamline credential management
Is managing log-in credentials and provisioning access to MRI Angus taking up way too much of your time? Keeping track of multiple passwords or remembering to remove access for departing employees can be a serious security vulnerability. What if you …