Case Studies

Leading telecommunications company leverages MRI eSight’s central services for agile, insightful energy cost management

Energy Management Software

Business Challenge

A leading, multinational telecommunications company was having trouble tracking its energy usage across 65,000 sites. As a result of a recent 5G expansion, there was a dramatic increase in the demand for the power needed to operate these sites properly. Due to this surge, the company did not know how much energy each tower operator was using, and so they were unable to properly charge across each of these sites.


Rather than manually manage their costs and data, the company decided to invest in an energy management system (EMS) that could interact with their internal technology and centralise their data to monitor energy usage and charge their operators appropriately. After going through a thorough tender process, the company chose our MRI eSights EMS, as their global platform.

Business impact

After a four-month rollout, the client was able to effectively deploy MRI eSight across all its needed sites. They were extremely pleased with how agile MRI eSight was in terms of developing new features that would optimise their energy management and cost processing. The client was also pleased with how centralised the system was for its business, and how impactful the multi-currency reporting, single sign-on, and translator for 17 different languages features were.

Robust energy data collection and analysis

MRI eSight monitors our client’s energy output on a site-by-site basis, even with the 5G rollout of new power demands, centralising and managing 185,000 data points onto the system. Critical usage data came into the software every 10 minutes, which gave the team accurate information on a consistent basis. In addition, they can monitor renewable energy sources and see their effectiveness, helping to play a role in cost and carbon reduction across their entire portfolio.

Extensive reporting capabilities

MRI eSight’s reporting options were a huge draw-in for the client. They are now able to generate reports that will help define their sustainability policy and savings opportunities. The solution’s ability to create global currency reports meant they were able to accurately track AP/AR across their sites. Additionally, our ability to develop ad-hoc reporting requests granted a degree of personalisation which they would not have received with other energy management solution providers.

Accurate site billing

The automatic meter reading capability within MRI eSight gave our client the capacity to easily recharge per lease, per tower according to energy consumption. The automated bill creation and distribution enabled our client to charge sites based on independent fossil and renewable energy, helping them to have full control over the operating expenses of their sites and utilities.

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