News, views and industry trends
5 ways your business can win at hybrid working
As businesses continue to redefine their return-to-work plans, corporate real estate professionals are returning to in-person industry events. In the fourth quarter of 2021, groups like BOMA, IFMA and most recently CoreNet Global have begun welcoming…
Emergency management: An insurance policy for your organisation
An insurance policy is a backstop, we all have them but hopefully, we’ll never have to use them. However, it’s great to know if something should go wrong that you have the right protection in place. Managing your organisation in an emergency is no di…
Top 4 technologies to help employees feel safe as they return to work
It is fair to say that lockdown in the UK has been a strange and testing time with over 35% of Brits doing some form of working from home. However, with lockdown restrictions easing since 19 July 2021 people are starting to return to their workplaces…
Quadrant names MRI Software a Technology Leader in Integrated Workplace Management Systems
We’re proud to announce that MRI Software has been recognized as a Technology Leader in the SPARK MatrixTM: Integrated Workplace Management Systems Research, 2021 from Quadrant Knowledge Solutions. Quadrant Knowledge Solutions, a global advisory and …
A hybrid style of work is here to stay
More so than ever are we working remotely, with employers needing to rethink office space, collaboration, and requirements within the workplace. As the world population slowly becomes vaccinated, questions are arising as to what the future of the wor…
Use MRI OnLocation to meet government and organizational sign-in and contact tracing needs
Most businesses globally are required to display a government-issued QR code which those entering their workplace need to scan. But asking your visitors to sign in to both MRI OnLocation and then a separate process for the government-issued QR code c…
Working from home, and the desire for social interaction
A vast majority of employees surveyed voiced opinions of their desire to regain daily interaction with colleagues, along with wanting to maintain relationships with clients and stakeholders. However, to return safely to the workplace, protective meas…
4 ways to build a better office with MRI Workplace Central
As the vaccine rollout continues and real estate occupiers across the globe are assessing local health and safety requirements, everyone – from employees to landlords – is asking the same question. When and how will companies bring people back …