March Updates from Palace

Can you be-leaf it’s a new month already?

Marching our way through a new month, we take a trip down memory lane and review the release from the month that was, the month that is and the month that will be.

You really autumn know

Wrapping up a very warm summer, in February the new Bond Payments feature was released. Now your lodgement forms are automatically emailed to the Bond Centre when your payments are processed. Along with this new addition, performance is continually improved and a handful of bugs were fixed. If you haven’t caught up on the month that was, then it’s a-boat time you read our release notes now.

Finishing up our 31-day March

In March, the long-awaited updates for the mobile inspection app were released as well as more Palace features.

A copy of the overdue rent report at EOM is now generated to help cross-reference the stats given in the Portfolio Summary report. The advertising process related to the WebPublish agent is updated and we also continue with implementing some behind the scenes performance updates. All this and more can be found in greater detail in our latest release notes.

The exciting news is the big update to our inspection app for both iOS and Android. This update introduces the new ability to use an electronic signature on the app, which is then embedded into your inspection report when generated in Palace. Along with this new feature, you will also see a new Caller ID function on iOS which allows your device to recognise a number that is calling you, based on the contact information within the app that is not specifically saved in your devices’ contact list. I know, I know, these features are quite unbe-leaf-able but there is much much more, which you can read all about in detail in our release notes.

If you are still using the old ‘Blue icon’ Palace Inspection app, contact us now to get your database set up for the new ‘Pink icon’ Palace Inspection app, so you can benefit from the new features and smooth performance! Contact Support Now >

April Fueling through to the May Tricks

Steaming through the year, we’re not fooling around with our upcoming release.

In anticipation of a new Healthy Homes requirement, we’ll be adding a new field under ‘Ventilation and Habitable Spaces’ to cover mechanical ventilation. Like the rest of the fields, this will simply be a yes/no question with a follow-up question asking, ‘Does the property have a building consent on or after 1st November 2019?’. For those that use our commercial type owner statements, you’ll be pleased to hear that we’re fixing a couple of well overdue issues with this report type.

All this, as well as a great list of bug fixes that include the ‘Rent change’ date that is generated when using rent reviews, Company Bank Merge fields, Advertising Log and more!

As always, we will continue with our performance project as we remain on track with our 6-month roadmap. However, this isn’t the only long-term project this month as we begin development on bringing in a ‘Holiday Booking’ workflow to Palace. I’ll be able to provide more of a sneak peek at what this will look like in our next article. However, to keep you on the edge of your seat, this new feature will allow you to create ‘Guests’ within Palace as opposed to needing to create ‘Tenants’ every time you have a new booking. A new workflow that caters to all the fees and costs that come with a holiday booking and the ability to connect via API to external holiday software providers. Our first integration will be with the amazing team at Hostaway!

Stay tuned for more information in next month’s product development update.

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Experience the Future of Property Inspections with MRI Inspection Manager in Palace

Streamline your property management workflow with cutting-edge technology. Watch our on-demand webinar to see Inspection Manager in action—a powerful solution integrated seamlessly within MRI Palace, designed to make property inspections more efficie…

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