July Updates from Palace

Don’t June know it’s August soon?

The winds are high, the hot water bottles are out. Tis the season for the mid winter blues and tissues stocked up throughout. Don’t fret though, you already know, no weather or virus can slow us down, as we continue to release hit after hit, running things like Chris Brown.

Rage August the Machine

By the time this article hits your screen, you all would’ve hopefully caught up on our most recent release for July. We dubbed this release after a popular Marvel character, the Wolverine and a fictional unstoppable metal alloy that is bonded with his bones.A great metaphor for our Product and Development team, as we slashed our way through 18 released tasks this month. Our slashed items includes a quick update to our Bond Payment process, a long awaited fix for the tenant mobile number displaying in a work order, a minor adjustment to two of our tenant reports and much much more. If you haven’t already clicked on our release notes when you opened up Palace, you can read all about adamantium release here.

Swooping in with Augusta wind

Keeping up with the Marvel theme, our August release is dubbed after another fictional metal. You’re all familiar with Captain America, right? Well, picture us with a Palace ‘shield’ coming at you with even more exciting changes to be released.

In the month of August, we anticipate to release a couple of updates to our change logs (including change logging any changes made to user authorities), a new report option for our reconciliation presented items report, a long awaited fix to our rent arrears static view for the User dashboard and more!

We also have our Holidays feature and android inspection app update keeping warm in our back pockets. Our holidays feature has just wrapped up development and will undergo some extensive testing this month, which we hope to release out into the wild as soon as possible. The integration work with Hostaway along with testing will be the last bits to get this feature across the line, stay tuned though, it will be in your hands soon.

This feature brought in some new UI, a new transaction type and a lot and I mean A LOT of report work. So you can imagine how much testing is going to be done during the upcoming weeks and by then, we’ll all be floating in a chocolate river like Augustus Gloop.

As for our inspection app, we haven’t been very heavy on the focus for the app this month, with lots of other moving parts behind the scenes taking priority, however, this feature will be picked up again and we will endeavour to release the latest version very soon!

On-Demand Webinar

Experience the Future of Property Inspections with MRI Inspection Manager in Palace

Streamline your property management workflow with cutting-edge technology. Watch our on-demand webinar to see Inspection Manager in action—a powerful solution integrated seamlessly within MRI Palace, designed to make property inspections more efficie…

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