February Updates from the Support Team
Palace Support Tech Tip
- How do I backup inspection photos in the Palace Inspection App?
In the app’s ‘Settings’ area, there is a toggle that can be turned on for ‘Save to camera roll/gallery’. This means that any photos taken during an inspection will automatically be copied to the device’s storage. These photos can be used in the case of the inspection not uploading to Palace or if something were to happen to the app. Once you have confirmed that the inspection has been uploaded into Palace and all the photos are showing, they can then be deleted from the camera roll.
- Saving progress of inspection reports
While editing your inspection reports, save them often as you go. If there is an Internet glitch (drop), the report could revert to the last saved version and that could mean a loss of data. Edit some features, click on ‘Save & close’. You will be taken back to the Diary. Enter the inspection report and continue where you left off. Before generating or emailing the report, save and close one last time and then generate or email.
Our Knowledgebase is constantly being updated to assist you in your query. Give it a go. Browse through the article library as you may find a solution either in written form or as part of a webinar or recorded video. If you are not able to find the answer there, our Palace Support heroes are here to help.
One of our support agents, Courtney, has recently left for her maternity leave. We wish her and her family all the best. We are delighted a new support agent will join us in March, she is already an avid Palace user.
Feedback on the Support Team
Some great feedback was received this past month:
On any occasion that requires input and/or advice, the team is always quickly onto the case. Especially patient and assisting – with training on the way through – when needing to they will ‘remote in’ to address specific issues.
Because she was super friendly and knew her stuff and absolutely got me out of some doodoo 🙂
I have used Palace for 6 years and I absolutely love it. The updates and how far it has come from 6 years ago to now is fantastic and easier to use. Keep up the great work and thanks for helping make our busy jobs a little bit easier!
We encourage everyone to always review our service and send feedback messages as this helps us to better assist our clients. Should there be something that was missed or something that we could do better we enjoy hearing from you.
Inspection reports did not keep changes once they were added.
While working with an inspection report it is ideal to click on the ‘Save & close’ button occasionally in case there is an issue such as the Internet connection dropping or accidentally clicking in a different area of Palace. This would result in the report reverting to the most recent save point.
Before generating or emailing the report click on the ‘Save & close’ button, go back into the report, and then generate or send the email.
If there are interruptions in Palace services, a newsletter will be sent to inform clients of the issue, and once rectified, another newsletter will be sent.
If our newsletters are not being received, kindly click here to be placed on the newsletter list.
Response Times
The wait time to answer requests has climbed to a high of 88% of requests being responded to within 30 minutes. Our support desk operates within New Zealand trading hours and with support for our Australian clients as well.
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Prospective clients, Owners and Tenants expect seamless transactions – with document and contract signing processes to be simple from start to finish. That’s why we’re excited to introduce MRI Secure Sign, the ultimate solution for simplifying your d…