Be confident
Create a realistic energy baseline so you can be fully confident in your forecasting and reported savings.
Identify opportunities
Set up calculations, predictive analysis, visualizations, and outputs to help you achieve your energy saving goals.
Monitor progress
Track performance over time and against a baseline of usage, cost, or carbon. Monitor progress towards your goals.

Is your data making sense?
Many companies struggle to analyze energy data in ways that provide useful and actionable insights. It’s hard to make sense of data when you can’t draw out trends, see anomalies, or use predictive analysis. Most energy consumption analysis runs out of steam with at least one of these problems:
● No way to manage data quality
● Limited or no modelling and forecasting
● Unable to factor weather into data analysis
● Limited options for looking at the data
● Limited choice of graph types
● Too complex to use across the business
● Pretty dashboards lack actionable insights
● No option to save templates
● Non-interactive graphs only
Get the insights you need with customized analysis
Make sense of your data with MRI Energy's sophisticated, targeted, and interactive analyses

AI-driven analysis
MRI Energy offers a huge array of analytics techniques for management of energy that cater across a wide range of sectors. Interactive analyses enable you to drill down, rollup, convert to Co2, cost, and more.

Custom reporting
Access Energy’s report library, use our dynamic reporting tool to easily build your own reports in-system, or have a report custom built by our team for you.

High performance
MRI Energy works with global organizations and big data sets, processing vast amounts of data in milliseconds. You get the insights you need quickly, no matter how much data you are processing.
Establish an accurate baseline
Identify energy saving opportunities
Monitor progress
Establish an accurate baseline

Establish an accurate baseline
Create a realistic energy baseline which serves as a standard against which future changes in energy performance are gauged. MRI Energy’s powerful analysis tools provide you with the most accurate energy baseline by taking into account up to 20 variable factors that may affect energy consumption, such as production output, occupancy, time of year, temperature, etc. With this established, you can be fully confident in your forecasting and reporting of savings.
Identify energy saving opportunities

Identify energy saving opportunities
MRI Energy visualizes energy consumption to clearly identify inefficiencies. Graphs such as the surface mapping of a single meter enable you to quickly recognize and react to unusual consumption, while tools such as Baseload Analysis highlight the energy being wasted during out-of-hours periods. Features such as KPI Ranking, which ranks sites and departments by their performance, can determine where action needs to be taken by highlighting the less efficient sites.
Monitor progress

Monitor progress
Verify energy saving opportunities and take action to achieve results. MRI Energy enables you to track progress over time to determine savings made in terms of usage, cost, or carbon. Once a change has been implemented, you can use tools within MRI Energy to monitor your performance against a baseline and prevent deviations or slip-back.
Your energy goals are 3 steps away
1. Book a demo
Tell us the challenges you want to solve and we'll show you how our software works.
2. Analyze your energy usage
Customize your energy analysis to make sense of the data and get actionable insights.
3. Reduce costs
Set your energy goals, monitor performance, and drive down consumption.
Let's Connect
Learn how our energy management software can monitor, analyze and reduce energy consumption.