The benefits of remote training vs on-site

The MRI client base has always recognised the importance of training – whether this is to onboard new recruits, upskill existing users or get greater benefit from the application by implementing new functionality or adopting best practice.

The change in people’s working circumstances because of the COVID-19 pandemic presented a number of challenges to businesses. For the MRI Professional Services team, the challenge was clear – continue to deliver training and consultancy to the same high standard to which our clients have become accustomed, but do so remotely. While this was nothing new for consultancy, delivering training content remotely represented a move away from a model rooted in delivering training face-to-face in a classroom style environment.

The Professional Services team rose to that challenge and we have learnt along the way.  We have refined content, explored suitable tools, and worked hard to improve the user experience.

As a consequence, remote training has been very positively received by those who have attended over the past 12 months and rather than an interim measure born out of necessity, it represents permanent and preferred delivery model with some very clear benefits:

Cost effective

There are no travel costs, no travel time and it means less time away from the office for your team.

Flexible & convenient

Remote delivery allows for a more flexible approach. Clients can book sessions in half-day slots and schedule several over a few days or weeks and can fit sessions around their working day.

Involve the whole team

Ideal where members of the team are split between different locations or working from home – all can attend a collaborative training session together.

Gain hands-on practical experience

Obtain just as much hands-on practical experience of the application during the session as if attending in person. Attendees have access to a cloud-hosted training environment while also seeing the trainer’s screen.

Learning resource

All remote training sessions are recorded as a further learning resource. All attendees receive a link after completion of the course so they can re-watch at their leisure.

MRI have a wide variety of standard training courses covering all the key elements of our solution suite, including MRI Property central, MRI Qube PM and MRI Horizon. Take a look for yourself on our training portal. 

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