December Updates from Palace
Prance like nobody’s watching ‘Tis the time to sit back, relax and reflect on the good times as we prepare to set off onto the sunset. A mistle-toast to the year that was It’s been one heck of a year for most people, it’s crazy to think we’re about to start it all over again … Continued
December Updates from Palace Support
NEW Pink Palace Inspection App Palace has been working hard with our inspection apps over the years, and with the pink Palace Liquid inspection app replacing all the previous versions these inspection apps (blue/white) are no longer being developed. The pink Palace Liquid app will be the only supported app moving forward. “Think Pink” It … Continued
Mandy’s November Update | Palace
Message from the Desk of Mandy I feel we are already coming into silly season! even though still November. Christmas is in the air, you can feel it all around. I have been attending a few conferences lately and still have another one to go, the best thing about them is the ability to catch … Continued
November Updates from Palace Support
A note on the NEW Pink Palace Inspection App Palace has been working hard with our inspection apps over the years and with the pink Palace Liquid inspection app replacing all the previous versions these inspection apps (blue/white) are no longer being developed. The pink Palace Liquid app will be the only supported app moving … Continued
October Updates from Palace Support
NEW Pink Palace Inspection App Palace has been working hard with our inspection apps over the years and with the pink Palace Liquid inspection app replacing all the previous versions these inspection apps (blue/white) are no longer being developed. The pink Palace Liquid app will be the only supported app moving forward. It is essential … Continued
Upcoming changes that will sprout some happiness
October is nearing its closing hours, the sunblock is stocked up and the lawns are being mowed. There’s definitely a breath of fresh air floating around as we spring into another month of action. Important Notice Please note, we have discovered a loophole that could potentially create issues when archiving a user from a database. … Continued
Mandy’s October Update | Palace
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September Updates from Palace
It’s allergy season again?! You’ve got to be pollen my leg. Spring forward in time as we begin the countdown toward the end of the year. Destination Whoville is on route, first stop, a month to September. Lets re-leaf the month that was… It’s been a little bit since we’ve done a product update and … Continued