callmax contact

Connect with prospects and residents through property management call center software.

Engage and retain residents using MRI Software’s Callmax Contact. Interact with your residents using their preferred communication method — text message, email, phone — to share information about community events, property maintenance, and more. Property management call center software designed specifically for resident engagement helps you find out what your residents really want by sending text or phone surveys about amenities or social activities. Documented communications and message receipts confirm that your message was delivered, and property staff can set up automated responses to make communications more consistent and reliable.


Resident notifications

Easily share information about community events, rent reminders, weather warnings, security notices, routine maintenance, and more.

Multiple contact methods

Connect with your current and future residents via live text chat, text message, email, or phone.

Reduce delinquencies

Send consistent rent reminders or past due statements to residents to encourage on-time payments.

Targeted messaging

Use the Bulletins feature for individual and/or bulk messaging to target prospects and residents while documenting communication and message receipt.

callmax contact


  • Improve resident engagement in community activities.

  • Increase resident retention with better communication using resident’s preferred method.

  • Decrease delinquent rents by consistently sending rent reminders or past due statements to residents.

  • Perfect staff communication via call recording.

  • Provide real-time lead/prospect follow-up with live text chat.

  • Automate text responses with custom information.


Let's Connect


Fill in the form to learn more about our innovative cloud-based property management software solution.

By clicking submit, you agree to our terms and conditions and consent to being contacted by MRI Software about our products or services. You can opt-out at any time. Please see our privacy policy for more information about how MRI Software handles your personal information.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about our Callmax Contact software, please fill in the form above.