Global Property Management Software for the Modern World
After the re-election to the US Presidency of Barack Obama and the once-in-a-decade changes to the ruling Chinese government are over this week, the eyes of the worlds regional 24 hour media operations will no doubt return once again to the state of their local economies.
With the debt crisis in many Eurozone countries along with the potential for a ‘fiscal cliff’ in the US at the end of the year, the growth forecasts for most countries have become progressively worse over the last year. Even China’s growth forecast has been downgraded to below 8%, although it is still at a level to be envied by most of the rest of the world.
With all this economic uncertainty and change, businesses operating across many countries have to rely more and more on their IT and global property management software to enable them to increase efficiencies and adapt quickly to the new situations in those regions.
The growth in recent years of cloud based technologies has allowed organizations to roll out software quickly and efficiently to new regions with little local infrastructure requirements and to both upsize and downsize requirements easily in those regions based on market changes.
Over the last 15 years, MRI’s global property management software has been trusted by our clients to help them operate their global businesses. With our regional offices spanning the globe, MRI Software is used in over 40 countries worldwide in multiple languages and has the ability to adapt and grow within each of them. This is achieved with its core multicurrency and international functionality as well as by using its customization toolkit to quickly meet local compliance requirements and to improve business processes without the use of bespoke programming.
Using MRI SaaS many of our clients now rely on both our award-winning Software-as-a-Service delivery infrastructure and our MRI global property management software solutions to enable them to react agilely in an ever-changing world.
For more information on MRI’s global property management software, please visit:
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