MRI Evolution CAFM & MRI Evolution Go Mobile ‘in action’ on the Clarence Corrections Centre PPP
MRI Evolution CAFM and MRI Evolution Go Mobile solutions have recently been implemented by Serco Australia for the operational facilities management of a brand new correctional centre on more than 90,000 square metres of rural land in the New South W…
Amart Furniture
Background Amart Furniture is one of Australia’s most prominent furniture, bedding and outdoor retailers, with stores in 69 locations nationwide. Founded in 1970, Amart has gone from strength-to-strength, with the ongoing mission to help Australians…
Enova is the regional leader in integrated energy and multi-technical services, delivering comprehensive services to its clients. It provides performance-based energy and facilities management solutions that help customers achiev…
Mace Macro
Background Mace Macro (Macro) is an international, award-winning total facilities management provider. We are the Operate function of Mace, the International consultancy and construction company. Our current specialist sectors inclu…
Joss Group
Background With over 45 years’ experience, Joss Group is considered as both one of regional Australia’s premier building contractors, with an extensive history of successfully delivering complex commercial and industrial projects, an…
The Met Office
A triumvirate of The Met Office (client), Stride Treglown (architect/BIM consultant) and MRI (CAFM/IWMS provider) have broken new ground in the delivery of a BIM Level 2 compliant construction project into a CAFM/IWMS system at the Met O…