With MRI ProLease you’ll be able to:

  • Easily keep track of critical lease dates with automated email alerts
  • Comply with new lease accounting standards with confidence
  • Easily update capitalisation schedule calculations based on lease modifications
  • Evaluate the impact to the balance sheet from new leases, amendments or modifications
  • Ensure a complete picture of property and equipment leases with a single source of information
  • Deliver required transparency with reporting, audit trail capability, and detailed notes that demonstrate how each number is calculated

See for yourself! Just fill out the form and we’ll get in contact to organise a free demo customised for your business needs. Our experienced consultants can give you a detailed look inside the software and answer any questions you have.

About ProLease and MRI

ProLease serves more than 800 clients across 40 industries, including real estate, retail, healthcare, government and education. Clients rely on MRI ProLease to easily track their real estate leases, equipment leases and workplace data, as well as for compliance with the new lease accounting standards AASB 16 and IFRS 16. MRI ProLease is a solution offered by MRI Software, a global leader in real estate software solutions that provides innovative technology and services for real estate owners, operators, occupiers, and investors.